A collection of my daily thoughts, experiences, and reflections.
What's in the box? What's in the fucking box? (huh).
The box is my brain. My brain is .
Wed, 12 June 2024TODO
- The last few days have been very hectic. Balancing uni and project research with darsh.
- The vision is not clear enough yet. I don’t want to lose sight of it and then have to start from scratch.
I am back... OR am I?
Wed, 12 June 2024TODO
- reading the intro sections on the futo self-hosted wiki has made me realise that open src software should not be complicated. because of the complications of (in many cases), setting up and solving issues on FOSS, people are pushed towards closed source. convenience matters to people who are not programmers. Convenience matters to users. More than I previously thought. or maybe I do not have an accurate image of an average user in my mind because I have lived too long among developers. I must leave my imaginary palace and travel among the masses to gain some perspective (said every westoid travelling to somewhere other than NA/Europe xd).
Sat, 08 June 2024TODO
- Chem / EE 1 unit
- Still not recovered from the mental fall
Fri, 07 June 2024TODO
- Meet with a friend. (done) damn so tough to meet old friends. SO much to sort through… :/
- Decentralized systems not built on resource heavy blockchains (so that they can be run on the more popular form factor (mobile phones)). Discuss with Darsh. (0720)
- can’t get back what you threw away mate
Thu, 06 June 2024TODO
- esp32 (done)
- tdr: rack and pinion
- I have noticed - whenever I think that I am out of time or have the lack of time, for implementing an idea, or doing some work (in dev or art or anything productive), it is usually because I am comparing the current state of my work to the finished work I see around me and on social media. (0745)
- This happens when I have a programming related idea, or something I could make in blender or writing.
- Something else that happens because of this is I’m afraid to iterate. I refuse to believe that my idea (like the others I have seen online) is not perfect, failing to take into account the countless iterations that would have had before it was shared. This leads to my “final product” being inferior to what I had imagined it would look like, and that in turn discourages me to pursue such an endeavour again, classic vicious cycle.
- Perhaps this is why I view my own work as sub-par.
- Maybe I am doing the same thing with life as a whole and where I am currently.
- It is also why my plans are so much grander, and imo, much more unachievable for me. Because I mistake myself for the people that I look up to, and then fail to deal with the inevitable failure that accompanies.
Wed, 05 June 2024TODO
- started looking into project ideas based on IPFS with darsh (2048)
- still not able to let go of being a consumer exclusively. The hill is too hard to climb. (2048)
Tue, 04 June 2024TODO
- finish annotsav esp work
- woke up early today (0300hrs)
Mon, 03 June 2024TODO
- Rediscovered an idea I had a while ago of installing waste disposal kiosks. (0944)
- slept the whole day LoL.
- Annotsav work is back on lesgo
Sun, 02 June 2024TODO
- If I focus on what is good around me, I am happy. If I focus on what is wrong around me, I’m not happy, but that is the only way I can make a difference. Isn’t it?? (2148hrs)
- If you are fortunate in life, build a bigger table, not a taller wall. (2148hrs)
Sat, 01 June 2024TODO
- Documentation for ESP32 comms (not done)
- AstroCMS plugin for obsidian and remark (not done)
- Add “TOC” and “References” to BlogLayout (not done)
- Meine Katze wakes me up every morning at 0500. I should just start sleeping early at this point. (0639)
- The only 2 barriers to me accepting Electric Vehicles (for regular consumers of automobiles) as acceptable are - 1. Better sources of energy, 2. Better mediums of energy storage. (2308hrs)
Fri, 31 May 2024TODO
- have to get annotsav work done tonight (0015hrs)
- mqtt5 basic framework working (1838hrs)
- FOUND this video related to my thought on 29-05-2024. LOL (2201hrs)
- what is it with people and trying to be deep and insightful always. Brother/Sister you’re not quotable, just annoying sometimes. Just speak normally.(Instagram Reels got me like) (2214hrs)
nuff said
Thu, 30 May 2024TODO
- how should one cover the distance between having an idea and implementing it. All my ideas seem so complicated that they seem impossible to me, at least in the moment.
- I should stop sleeping in the evening.
We are our memories
Wed, 29 May 2024TODO
- be a baller.
Energy Requirements for a cross-dimensional portal depending on its category (0530hrs)
- I recently watched Dark Matter (Apple TV Web Series), and it got me thinking about the two ways multi dimensional OR Faster Than Light (FTL) travel happens in media. They are not really the same thing at all, but for the purposes of my point they are. The two ways it happens is:
- A portal opens and closes in a short amount of time and allows objects to pass through it to reach their destination (like Halo, Event Horizon, Rick and Morty, and almost all pop culture media and their idea of portals).
- The “gateway” exists and objects travel through it (like Dark Matter, Interstellar, etc.)
- The amount of raw energy required to construct the Type - 2 Gateway would be IMMENSE and perhaps of a scale unachievable by humanity (I say this in the hopes that someone thousands of years in the future reads this and makes it happen out of human ego (me saying “thousands of years” should tell you how soon i think this will be possible)).
Communication in a Large Scale Civilisation (0545hrs)
- All this thinking about FTL has me thinking about the future of humanity quite optimistically. In the sense that we will leave the planet, our solar system, maybe even our galaxy. Well once we figure out how to bend the space-time continuum, pretty much anything would be possible i suppose.
- But how would communications happen in such a society? Being more interested in the technological than the institutional, I suppose Centralised systems would only be useful for data storage, as routing comms through central servers would just not be possible due to the scale of distances and time being too large.
- Then either the ship just carries any and all data / personnel required with her, or we just keep a portal open between command and missions, which again might or might not be possible based on the energy requirements.
Heroes in Media
Tue, 28 May 2024TODO
- Started playing Halo: Reach yesterday. It is a lot of fun.
- I wonder what factors play into how much the government pushes EVs. and how receptive the population is to that push.
Here we go again
Mon, 27 May 2024TODO
- get started with annotsav esp32 work
- explore functional programming maths prerequisites
- A hard morning cardio session really does 10x how mornings go. I should make this a habit. ran 3K (0702hrs)
- We are so back. (0702hrs)
- slept in the afternoon for 4hrs lol. could not get any work done today.
- Today was a fulfilling day, in all the sense of the phrase. Unlike the weekend.
Sun, 26 May 2024TODO
- write-up for projects. setup using content collections (0228hrs)
- Made journal page. looks okay for now. future will tell whether my design is good enough to scale (0222hrs)
- volunteered at an NGO with college mates to teach underprivileged kids. 10/10 would encourage. (1643hrs)
- homepage is receiving a lot of negative feedback about it being too wordy, and boring. (1643hrs)
- being alone and being lonely are very different things. but wanting to be alone always always leads to loneliness. (1645hrs)
- it is so over for me :( (2210hrs)